WFB 3rd edition chaos included a unit type for which there was no official miniatures at that time: Thug Horse i.e. mounted chaos thugs. Old School Miniatures Company brings us this nice set of six mounted thugs. I received my unit just before Christmas and now got the first model painted. Let´s see if I can find time to complete another one before new year.
maanantai 28. joulukuuta 2020
Chaos Thug Horse
lauantai 19. joulukuuta 2020
Last ones before Christmas
My painting station is located in the corner of our dining room. And my wife thinks it does not fit well with the Christmas decorations. So I´m going to have to clean it up for holidays and take a break from hobbying. Anyway, here are the three space elfs I got completed before this type of "lockdown".
maanantai 14. joulukuuta 2020
Leader for Cult Beastmen
The Genestealer Cult Army beastmen don´t actually have a squad or platoon leader. They just come in bands whose size depend on the chaos power they are alligned with. As I intend to use my beastmen in WFB too I wanted to have a model that can be clearly distinquished as a unit leader. This Champion of Slaanesh model by Jes Goodwin is perfect for my purposes. A lovely sculpt he´s quite large and very fit to lead the beastmen.
torstai 10. joulukuuta 2020
A space elf, his lunch box and a big blaster
keskiviikko 2. joulukuuta 2020
Five years of blogging
I almost forgot that today is the 5th anniversary of this blog. And because of that I haven´t prepared anything special for the occation... Quite pathetic if you ask me.
I was however able to complete something that I haven´t been painting for some time now. A space elf commader in carapace armor and wielding chain sword and a shuriken pistol.
Painted in the same read and white pattern as the rest of my space elves.
perjantai 27. marraskuuta 2020
Gnovember 2020 - final tally
With both Gnovember and my gnome models running out shortly it is time to look at what got done this time.
sunnuntai 22. marraskuuta 2020
Gnome Command
keskiviikko 18. marraskuuta 2020
Genestealer Patriarch
It´s been a while since I posted anything GS related. My Cult army has been without a leader but just the other day I found time to finish this Bob Olley patriach. There are only two oldhammer patriarch models that I know of. This and the one that sits on a throne. The running one suits gaming purposes better in my opinion. And is less expensive. Check this posting for his Cult Coven.
Now I need to get him a limousine. And a few more purestrains as there´s only one now.
torstai 5. marraskuuta 2020
Gnovember is here
My input to Gnovember 2020are these five Creatures Underground Gnomes. I painted another bunch of these back in 2018 when I got these. You can see those here. Used the same color scheme to make them into a unit of ten.
I still like the half-pick armed ones in the middle and farthest right most. The sword wielding chap is not bad sculpt either.
I have an old citadel pre-slotta gnome jester lurking somewhere... Perhaps I´ll seek him out and turn him into a leader of some sort.
Felt like the little prospectors needed a place to rest for night:
maanantai 2. marraskuuta 2020
Support platoon Command section
Here are the latest additions to my Rogue Trader era Imperial Guard force. A Command section to lead the support platoon that will eventually be made of one support squad, one tactical squad and this command section.
maanantai 26. lokakuuta 2020
Happy Orctober 2020
My most modest contribution for this year´s Orctober are these two orcs brawling over a bottle of booze. Both have sat undercoated on my paiting table for too long and now I sort of forced myself into splashing some color on them.
To be honest I did not enjoy painting these that much. The details are somewhat shoddy and the face of that knocked-out one is just a complete mess in my opinion.
torstai 22. lokakuuta 2020
Serious IG fire power
The armament policy of the old IG seems to have been "You can never have too many las cannons". Every tactical squad comes with one and command sections have two. If you don´t choose one of the alternatives as I did with my 2nd tactical platoon.
Following the afore mentined policy I have completed this support squad: sergeant, four las gun troopers, one missile launcher and FOUR las cannons. That´s quite a lot of fire power if you ask me.
As next I´ll finish the command section. And then it´s time to do another tactical squad...
sunnuntai 18. lokakuuta 2020
Psykers - one sanctioned and the other...
Not all psykers are decimated or taken to Terra to be absorbed by the Emperor of Mankind. Some become sanctined sanctioned psykers for Imperial Guard and those individuals are often attached to command sections. Always seen as suspicious by the Commissariat sanctioned psykers of the 114th Salihanian regiment are forced to wear red clothing as a warning sign for normal troopers. The are shunned by NCOs and common grunts but tolerated by officers who understand their value on the battle field.
Some psykers take mattes in their own hands. At least for a while. Joining a Genestealer Cult may seem like a way to avoid being killed or absorbed. But mingling with forces of chaos come with a price. Seen as just a human psykers are ruthlessly exploited by the cult leader and will be sacrificed without a blink if survival of the coven requires it. And the blessings of the dark powers behind the Cult are not always very beneficial.
Got the two models in a job lot I scored a couple of weeks ago. As they are duplicates I wanted to have one as a IG sanctined psyker and the other as a GS Cult rogue psyker.As the IG psyker is assigned to desert themed army his skin a bit darker than that of the rogue´s.
Here´s another rogue psyker I painted earlier and a sanctioned one too.
maanantai 5. lokakuuta 2020
Getting back on track with IG
As mentioned I was suffering from something of a painters block. That was quickly remedied when I got lucky and scored a largeish job lot of 80´s IG. I had ran out of IG trooper models earlier and put that project to side. Now I´ll be able to put more squads on the table as in the job lot there´s material for few dozens of guardsmen.
Some really nice stuff in the job jot. Would love to expand my assault platoon with another squad. Just need to get some jump pack and chain sword first.
perjantai 2. lokakuuta 2020
A somewhat chaotic 200th posting
Wow! When staring this blog just under five years ago I never thought I´d one day have 200 postings. At first I was thinking about doing something special for the occasion. Perhaps a look into those Oldhammer blogs that led me into becoming an oldhammer enthusiastic. Or once again returning to baggage trains, war altars, animal handlers or some one of those unit types that no longer exist in more modern rules sets.
However this will be an introduction of a new WFB army in building. Some of these models have been shown here before but not all and certainly not together.
So, it´s Slaaneshian Chaos. At the moment 19 beastmen, 3 minotaurs and 2 beastmasters with 6 chaos hounds. The beastmen are on round bases as the are to be used in a genesteraler cult army too. I will get a movement tray for them eventually.