Wow! When staring this blog just under five years ago I never thought I´d one day have 200 postings. At first I was thinking about doing something special for the occasion. Perhaps a look into those Oldhammer blogs that led me into becoming an oldhammer enthusiastic. Or once again returning to baggage trains, war altars, animal handlers or some one of those unit types that no longer exist in more modern rules sets.
However this will be an introduction of a new WFB army in building. Some of these models have been shown here before but not all and certainly not together.
So, it´s Slaaneshian Chaos. At the moment 19 beastmen, 3 minotaurs and 2 beastmasters with 6 chaos hounds. The beastmen are on round bases as the are to be used in a genesteraler cult army too. I will get a movement tray for them eventually.
Bird´s eye view. Pastel colors to give that oldschool look. Purple/pink, yellow and black used to tie the army together.

19 beastmen with a starndard. Equipped with light armor and shields that equals 13 points/model. So the cost for the whole unit without a character model to lead it would be 260 points. Not bad for WS4, T4 and W2 rank and file. Planning on adding a musician, champion and three more troopers to make it 24 (4x6) strong.
Two beastmasters and six chaos hounds. With ligh armor the animal handlers are 17 points each for total of 34. Chaos hounds are 23 points/model which means that this unit cost a total of 172 points. Not planning on adding anything to this.
The three minotaurs. With double handed weapons they are 48 points each for total of 144 points. I want to have six minotaurs in the end. In two units of three as their maximum unit size is five.
It´s a humble start. Just 260+172+144 = 576 points of rank & file so far. But throw in some characters and perhaps a bound host and it´s pretty quickly past 1500 total points. And I do have six trolls that could be used but in my opinion trolls aren´t very Slaanesh so I think I´ll stay away from that option.
What I´d really like to add is some chaos thug horse. Perhaps using those pre slotta C34/27 chaos beastman riders. And thugs on foot too. Thinking about some sort of cultist models. A war altar is a must. Just need to find suitable models for that first.
That it for posting number 200. Have a happy Orctober - go paint something green ;)
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