maanantai 1. lokakuuta 2018

Happy orctober aka an orc and a half

So it´s the green month again. I think I didn´t get a single green skin painted last year for orctober so this time I´m taking an early start. Just two models here and one of them isn´t completely green but Now the game is on and I´m sure I´ll be able to post more orcy things later.

The proper green skin is this bolt thrower crew orc. Very quick and simple to paint. Base colors, wash and higlights. Expect to meet the other crew members and their warmachine later this month.

Second half-orc slave for baggage train. Where his half-brother has light green skin and human eyes this chap got himself a more human toned skin but red eyes.

The two slaves together. With the first one´s chains I propably overdid the rust effect a bit and tried to go a tad easier with the second one.

And as last the Vanhaa Vasarointia orctober opening act together.

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