Eighteen stands of eldar guardian equals a full defender warhost. Worth 450 points in 2nd edition Epic. I gave each detachment a banner with warhost spot color (black) and detachment number on it. With these and black shouder pads one should be able to separate these stands from the eldar warhost guardians I painted earlier.
I´m getting very close to having a 3000 point eldar army completed. With a warlock, war walkers and some support guns I´m working on I should get there sooner than later. If I wanted (and had motivation) I could upgrade these to a eldar warhost by adding nine Falcon grav tanks. Remains to be seen...
Dammit, why are they soo beautiful? Whyy? Truly lovely work, I have to take my own Epic out of the boxes...
VastaaPoistaDo it! I want to see what you come up with.
PoistaA large army in pocket size! We look forward to seeing it grow further...
VastaaPoistaWorking on making it bigger :)