torstai 25. helmikuuta 2021

Community to the rescue

 I haven´t gotten any models painted in a few weeks now. Got carried away by some other activities and now I´m having hard time getting my painting motivation back. What helped me to write this short update is that I got lucky and won the lottery draw for last years Oldhammer Forum legacy project.

For year 2020 the theme was genestealer cult and spot color was green. As mentioned the ´winner´ is chosen on random and the luck chap gets all the models for himself. The only thing I´ve done with these is basing. Othervise they are as they arrived.

Mutated purestrains with wings, a couple of hybribds, an ork hybrid, beastman,
squat hybrid and a brood brother.

Now I need to create a scenario where they can be used.

Check out this year´s project and join in on the Oldhammer Forum.

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