sunnuntai 23. kesäkuuta 2024

Plasma on the double

 Yet another month of not much painting. Work and other responsibilities came in the way of hobby activities once again. Just two models finished. Both Rogue Trader range minis and both wielding a plasma gun.

A space elf standard bearer with a plasma gun and an imperial guard guardsman 
with a slightly larger version of a plasma gun.

The guardsman will eventually join the 2nd assault squad I´m building. 
As you can see I´m using Space Marine packs for jump pack on the assault troopers.

tiistai 21. toukokuuta 2024

Scouts and Scorpions

 I have been quite busy with work and haven´t had much mojo for hobby activities. Despite that I´ve slammed some paint on few bases of Epic eldar to keep something going.

On the left are four bases of eldar scouts. Painted in the same pattern as my guardians but wearing a desert yellow camo cloak on their back. Strinking scorpions were given typical green armour but I chose to paint their helmets white to have some unifying element with the rest of the force. I think I´ll follow the same system for the rest of the aspect warriors I´ll paint in the future.

sunnuntai 14. huhtikuuta 2024

Back to genestealers

 So it´s another paused project restarted. It was back in november 2020 when I last painted something for my slaanesh aligned genestealer cult. Having finished just a single purestrain genestealer so far I have been wanting to add a few more for some time. Finally I had both the models and motivation to paint them. BTW I working on a cult limo too. Hoping to get it ready in the near future.

Being plastics from Space Hulk and painted mostly with contrasts
these will most certainly not win me any prises. But they fit in quite well
with the rest of the cult.