torstai 20. elokuuta 2020

Basing, rebasing and re-rebasing

 So I painted a Marauder MM42 Minotaur and based him on a 40x40 base as he comes with that round stud instead of a regular slotta tab. Then, looking for more minos on ebay, I saw old Citadel ones (C25s) with a slotta tab and started to wonder if my choise of a base was false a one. I checked the 3rd edition rule book and behold, 25x25 square base. So I gently removed the 40x40 and put the model on a smaller base. A couple of days after that I was looking for something in the WFB: Armies book and there the base size for minos was indeed 40x40. Discussed the matter on Facebook and ended re-rebasing the model back on the original base. Should do ones homework before acting...

So this is how he originally was and again is. After being on 25x25 for a few days.

Skin is very heavily thinned Shyish Purple, hairy parts Volupus Pink, horns Iyanden Yellow and leather parts Black Templar. Metals are regular paints and highlights were mostly painted with a mix of contrast paint and regular white.

I think I actually liked the way he looked on this 25x25. But it could get pretty hard to get a unit of minos to rank up. 

1 kommentti:

  1. He looks great! Well done persevering with the basing too. Been there...
