lauantai 16. tammikuuta 2021

Half way through with the Thug horses

Completed the third Chaos Thug horse model this morning. This means that I am half way through with the unit of six models now. Hobby year 2021 has started quite slowly for me but I´m hoping to catch up speed in a next few weeks.

Keeping both the thugs and their horses just slightly touched by Slaanesh.
These are individuals in the beginning of their journey to corruption.
Horses look mean but not altered. Thugs have colored hair and not much else.

The musician on the left is the most choas affected of the three
with his left arm replaced with a tentacle.

maanantai 4. tammikuuta 2021

Hobby year 2020 in pics

 If I´d have to describe my 2020 paitning year with one word that would have to be Xenos. 2020 started with some space elfs and vent on with building a genestealer cult army. That is still not complete. But hey! When is an old school army complete :D

With that I´ll just dump a whole lot of pics of what got painted last year here. I hope you´ll enjoy them.

Space elfs:

Genestealer cult:


Imperial Guard:

Fantasy stuff: