perjantai 28. huhtikuuta 2017

Animal handlers in 3rd ed. WFB: Slann Animal Handlers

This part of ´Animal handlers in 3rd ed. WFB´ -series of articles is about Slann Animal Handlers. It discusses rules, models, tacktics, pictures, links, pro´s and con´s and everything related to Slann animal handlers. Please click here to find the other arcticles.

Goblin Lee has disected the Slann army list in this posting. Animal handlers are discussed there on a generel level whereas I have tried to dig in a bit deeper. Lee has a huge collection on Slann and if you are looking for something Slann related go to his blog first.

TheOttoVonBismark blog has article about slann animal handler concentrating on sabre-tooth tigers.

+Copper Oracle+ has written about slann and their beast too.

The Slann get the smallest number of animal handlers with just 0-4 and can divide them into 1-4 units. Each handler can control 2-6 beasts. We see some pretty interesting beasts that are unique to slann: cold one warhounds, giant scorpions, giant spiders and sabre tooth tigers. One would expect to see giant frogs as a neast of choise for such froggy creatures the Slann are but for some reason those have not been included.

Slann profile suits being a animal handler pretty well. T4 gives you some protection versus S3 missiles and good LD and CL should keep you from running. But it´s still a bit risky if you field a large pack of 40 something points creatures. A level 10 hero is 82 points as an animal handler and has T5 and W2. And could be given some magic armor that wouldn´t slow him down but would add protection. It´s of course a question of what kind of risk you are willing to take and how many points you can afford.

C22 Slann Cold One Warhounds and Handler set appeared in the WD96 alongside with other slann models. There are two slightly different warhounds and just one type of handlers.

Another add of cold one warhounds and slann handler.

Two sets were sold on ebay on Q1/2017 for 17€ and 24€.

For giant scorpion and spider models were made available as part of C29 monsters series.

Giant scorpion and giant spider on 1996 catalogue.

Both giant scorpion and giant spider are really nice large models. You can pretty easily reposition their feet, claws and stinger if you want a different pose.

Another add of the giant spider model.

Top view on the giant scorpion from a 1987 flyer.

There is also a Fiend Factory FF50 giant scorpion that looks a lot smaller than the C29 one. The same applies for a FF49 giant spider.

FF50 Giant scorpion.

FF49 Giant spider is really small compared to C29.

As  both giant spider and giant scorpion are big valuable monsters I would go for C29s. In my opinion they present the idea of such creatures better than the smaller ones
C29 Giant scorpions seem to sell for 15-20€per model and giant spiders go for about 10€ in ebay.

If you want you could go for midhammerian forest goblin giant spiders or products from other manufacturers. I still think that the C29s are the best models available for both giant spiders and giant scorpions.

Sabre tooth tigers were produced as a part of Eternal Champion line of models. The set was called Pan-Tangian Tyger handlers.

A couple of sets with two tigers and both handlers were sold for 28€ and 39€ lately. If you are looking for just the tigers be prepared to pay 10-15€ each.

Cold One Warhounds


The warhound model resembles the description very well. They are indeed ugly, alligator-like creatures with scaly skin and big teeth. Having two attacks is nice but WS3 and S3 reduces their close combat ability a bit. T3 and W1 mean that cold one warhounds are a little fragile agains missiles but basic saving throw of 5 or 6 compensates that a bit. In close combat they benefit from the terrible smell they emit as their opponent gets a -1 to their hand to hand to hit roll.

Cold one warhounds are subject to stupidity before they make their first charge. That means that they have to make a stupidity test in the beginning of controlling players turn vs.the unit leaders Cl. Fortunately the slann have basic Cl of 9 which means that you won´t fail that test very often. Only when it matters the most. And as mentioned the stupidity wears off after making that first charge.

Whipping into a fury -rule reduces cold one warhounds´ usability somewhat as you really have to concider when to declare charge. You propably should try to make that first charge agains an enemy that is already engaged or othervise in such state that it can´t move away from harms way before you get to charge.

Being so furious cold one warhounds must allways pursuit their victims. This is another slight tactical disadvantage that using them has.

Two slann cold one warhounds from Jon´s wargame minis blog.


Because of the whipping-rule I would use cold one warhounds to threaten enemy flanks and warmachines. Warmachines can´t manouver to safety and you can pretty safely declare a charge when targeting them. Against normal units I would try to tie the enemy down with another unit and charge them next turn with warhonds. If enemy breaks the warhounds would pursue and the other unit could hold and be used for other tasks.

Because of the disgusting smell rule warhounds could be used to tie down bigger enemy units with same or lower WS.

Goblin Lee´s warhound horde.

Nice models
Only Slann get them
Disgusting smell
Good speed
Two attacks
Charge rule
(WS3 and S3)
(Must pursuit)

Giant Spiders


When acting without a handler giant spiders are immune to all psychology. This is unfortunately negated by the animal handler rules: All psychology tests are taken using the leader´s profile. Some GM discretion could be used here. In my opinion handlers shouldn´t fear same type of animals they are leading. And if the handlers don´t come in contact with the enemy the panic test for being charged to the flank should not be taken.

The handlers also negate in my opinion the move-through-wooded-areas-without-penalty rule and climb-trees rule. Even if the slann are jungle dwellers. And the packs don´t benefit from the slann ability to cross bodies of water without movement penalty.

Cause fear is a potent ability. You may neutralize your enemy before entering close combat if he fails the psychology check. Keep in mind that if you win a round of combat versus an enemy that fear you he is automatically routed.

Poisoned attacks and -1 armour saving throw bonus are both nice additions to giant spiders´ combat abilities. Chitinous armour combined with T4 and W4 make spiders pretty endurable.

LM´s FF49 Giant Spiders with their Slann handler

Giant spiders are strong and tough and can take on almost anything that comes on their way. Still, having only WS3 means that you probably don´t want to engage anything that has WS4 or higher as you would have difficulties hitting them. So pick a WS3 enemy, make sure you get to charge him which you should be able to do with spiders´ M5, win a round of combat and see your enemy flee as you cause fear.

In a pack of giant spiders the handler is the weak point. T4, W4 and basic saving throw of 4,5 or 6 means that the spiders won´t suffer much from normal S3 missile fire. Crossbows and war machines are a far greater threat. A big risk is that some lucky shots could take out the handlers even with their T4. Consider taking a slann hero as a pack leader if using giant spiders.

C29 giant spider models are pretty large and require a board base which means that fielding many spiders will result in a big lump to pushed around. So some consideration in set up is required.

Goblin Lee´s beautiful C29 Giant spider. Be sure to check
this posting as there is also a giant scorpion and a big bug there.

Nice models
 Only Slann get them
Strong and resilient
Cause fear
Average WS
 (Dislike of fire)

Another C29 Giant spider. This time from Somewhere the Tea´s getting cold.

Giant Scorpions


Giant scorpions are very similar to giant spiders in what comes to rules and profile. Same exceptions for psychology and movement rules that were discussed under giant spiders apply to giant scorpions too.

Something that has to be remenbered with scorpions is that tail attacks can only be made to sides and back. And claws can strike to front and sides. As the rules don´t say how many claw and how many stinger attacks a scorpion has I would let the player decide. You could attack two times with claws or stinger or once with each. Claw attacks gice -1 armor piercing bonus and tail attacks are poisonous.

A gourgeous C29 Giant scorpion by Martin


Just look above. All that was said about giant spiders applies to giant scorpions too.

Yet another one from The Somewhere the Tea´s getting cold.

Nice models
 Only Slann get them
Strong and resilient
Cause fear
Average WS
 (Dislike of fire)

Black and very chitinous looking spider from Goblin Lee´s collection.

Sabre-Tooth Tiger


Wild cats on steroids! Not as fast as the smaller elven kitties but WS4, S5 and A3 is a formidable close combat profile combined with -2 armor piercing modifier. T4 and W2 provide some endurance but still you want to close in fast and not let enemy shoot them or their handlers to pieces. No really weak points here.
TheOttoVonBismark´s colorful sabre-toothed tigers.
Check his blog for another look on slann animal handlers.

Move in. Don´t get shot. Charge. Rip your opposition apart. Pack of sabre-tooth tigers is a good alternative for cold one cavalry as they are not restricted by whipping-to-fury rule. You will attract missile fire so again taking a hero as a unit leader could be a good idea.

A Celtos sabre-tooth tiger from "Amanthas the Huntress with Sabretooth" -set.
This image comes from Warmasterdk blog.

Nice models
 Only Slann get them
Can´t think of any

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